Monday, February 15, 2010

here it is...

I know it's been a little bit of time, but not having internet will do that to you. I'm realizing that I can't possibly put EVERYTHING I want to in the blog, and time is short on this one, but I'll fill you in on the important things...

We have a house and are no longer bums!!!!

Yes we have a quaint in-law house on 21st and Geary. We've been unpacking and getting things set up, including the gas to heat our home. One problem with that is they aren't coming for another week, so we get live in frosty territory for a few a little while longer. I'm just happy to have a house where I can play drums (between the hours of 10am and's in the lease) but that is still 8 hours. Next on my to do list is find a job.

The parties have been fantastic here, and the people just as amazing. Wednesday night Dillon and I met up with his old friend Caroline and we met her roommates, had a dance party in the house, and then took off for a burlesque show for beer week. Things were NUTS that night, it was defiantly a trip. I didn't go to bed until 6 in the morning, and ended up getting an even more extreme haircut on the sides. I would post pictures but I'm feeling lazy now.

Saturday night we went back to the SUB gallery, (where I finally got to see Alex's slideshow call "Red" which was very powerful, top notch job he, and all of the guys at the SUB have done) I did some more mingling (I saw one of the more attractive girls I had seen here, and with the help of liquid courage talked to and got her number...thank you alcohol!!!)

Yesterday I went to the Valentines Day Pillow Fight were more then 1000 people showed up pillows in hand and went to town. I battled for about a half a hour before I was too wiped out but again just something that couldn't happen back in Wyoming without some huge disruption or someone getting hurt. It just shows that people have such a badly conceived notion about people in California and simply put they aren't all stuck up dicks. The people here are so nice and welcoming and while yes I'm sure someone can say they have had bad experiences here with people, I just haven't yet and I'm happy to say that.

There will be more updates at some point but for now I'm going to finish this delicious grilled cheese...

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